Nominations for 2019 Australia Day Awards open now

Date published: 12 October 2018

Townsville City Council is calling on locals to nominate an unsung hero for the 2019 Australia Day Awards.

The Australia Day Awards celebrate members of the community that improve the lives of others and make Townsville the diverse and friendly city it is.

Townsville Acting Mayor Les Walker said he is hoping to see locals get behind each other and nominate someone they think deserves to be recognised.

“We have an incredible community in Townsville and this is a great opportunity to showcase the efforts made by individual residents or community groups,” Cr Walker said.

“I’m sure we all know someone who makes a huge difference in the community and we’d love to see them being supported through a nomination.

“We want to hear those stories about people helping out in their community and making a difference locally.”

Community and Cultural Development Committee Chair Colleen Doyle said she is looking forward to seeing who is nominated.

“They can be someone that volunteers, does well at school or maybe they help people for a living. It can even be an event you think was good for the city – send through a nomination to show your appreciation.”

“There are so many amazing people and organisations working to make Townsville the great place it is – it’s wonderful we can showcase their efforts.”

There are seven categories available for nomination and people, organisations and events are eligible.

The categories are:

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year
  • Arts and Culture Award
  • Community Volunteer Award
  • Senior Sports Award
  • Junior Sports Award
  • Environmental Excellence and Sustainability Award

Nominations close on December 2 and the winners will be announced at a ceremony held on Australia Day.

For more information or to nominate, visit: