Council’s recycled water reuse scheme on course

Date published: 15 October 2018

Townsville City Council’s water recycling system has met an important milestone in its development.

Council’s Townsville Water and Waste Committee last week recommended the Townsville Golf Club to become a foundation customer of the recycled water reuse scheme.

The scheme will use high quality recycled water to irrigate playing fields, sports facilities and for industrial use.

The Committee approved the Golf Club to install a pipeline to access water from Aplins Weir until the city’s recycled water reuse scheme is operational.

After the recycled water re-use scheme is operational, the Golf Club’s pipeline between Aplins Weir and the course will be re-used to carry high-quality recycled water to keep the grass green on the course and later along the northern riverbank parkland.

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Interim Chair Cr Les Walker said the recycled water reuse scheme is a key plank of Council’s 3-point water security solution.

“This agreement between Council and the Golf Club ensures the course will remain in top condition until the water reuse scheme is operational,” Cr Walker said.

“The pipeline to Aplins Weir will save about 300ML a year of potable water being used on the course until the water reuse scheme is complete.”

Cr Walker said Council was committed to ensuring long-term water security for Townsville.

“The new water pipeline will be built by the end of 2019, and this water reuse scheme will help ensure our public parks and sports facilities are green all year round,” Cr Walker said.

“Water security is a key priority for Council and we aren’t wasting any time in delivering these crucial projects because we know that praying for rain isn’t a long-term strategy.”

Council’s 3-point water security solution includes:

  • The new 1.8-metre diameter pipeline
  • A recycled water reuse scheme for public greenspaces and industrial use
  • The Community Water Transition Support Package

The Queensland Government has invested $225 million to improve water security in Townsville.

The agreement with the Gold Club requires them to notify Council within 6 hours of any water quality issue and commence actions to fix any issues.

The matter will go before the next Full Council meeting for final consideration.