Successful free kerbside collection about to wrap up

Date published: 23 November 2018

Townsville City Council’s free hard waste kerbside collection is wrapping up this Sunday – with about 40 per cent of households using the service this year.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said she was proud to deliver on another key election commitment – with the first free kerbside collection service in more than a decade.

“I first made this commitment to our community back in 2012 but I was blocked by the opposing Councillors in the last term of Council,” Cr Hill said.

“With my team of Councillors, residents have been able to take advantage of this great program which has been popular with locals.”

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Chair Cr Russ Cook said more than 26,000 homes had rubbish collected from the kerb.

“Over 7000 white goods and 2460 e-waste items were collected and recycled,” Cr Cook said.

“We had an overwhelming number of people who did the right thing and put their waste items out at the right time.”

Cr Cook said the feedback from the community was positive and free hard waste kerbside collection will return next year.

“This year is the first time Council has done a kerbside collection in more than a decade so we have taken on board all the community feedback and we will make changes to improve the service,” Cr Cook said.

“We will streamline the collection process into significantly less zones – making it easier for residents to take advantage of the service.”

Cr Cook said free kerbside collection works in conjunction with other waste services provided by Council like free green waste and recycling disposal and free dump weekends.

“Please remember you can dispose of your green waste or recyclables for free all year round,” Cr Cook said.