Council looking to remove single-use plastics

Date published: 15 November 2018

Townsville City Council’s Water and Waste Committee today voted to recommend removing single-use plastics from all Council facilities, events and catering contracts.

The recommendation was made to minimise Council’s impact on the local environment given the City’s close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef and other waterways.

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Chair Cr Russ Cook said the decision would ensure Council is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

“Townsville City Council is a Reef Guardian Council and we have a responsibility to be on the front foot when it comes to cutting back waste and minimising the effects on our local environment,” Cr Cook said.

“Reducing the use of single-use plastics is a way for Council to ensure our city stays clean and green – it will lower the risk of pollution throughout our waterways and on the Great Barrier Reef.

“The Boomerang Alliance has invited Townsville to become a member to create a Plastic Free Townsville – the pilot program in Noosa was a great success and it’s a fantastic opportunity for our city to lead by example.”

The Boomerang Alliance was created to promote a zero-waste society and is working with the Department of Environment and Science to deliver the Plastic Free Communities program in four Queensland communities.

The recommendations will go to the next Full Council meeting on 27 November.