Uncontained to stay in Strand Park

Date published: 3 May 2018

Uncontained, the towering art installation in Strand Park is set to stay on display until the end of June after the attraction proved extremely popular with residents and visitors to Townsville.

Townsville City Council owns the containers as a legacy of the Commonwealth Games Festival 2018 funding.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said events scheduled in Strand Park will be going ahead as normal.

“Council is working with event organisers to make sure their plans fit around the containers,” Cr Hill said.

“We’ve had a huge amount of interest in the artwork – with our wonderful winter weather and event season coming up it makes sense to leave Uncontained on display.

“A report is being prepared to help Council decide on the future of the containers once they are removed from Strand Park.

“We have had lots of interest from other businesses who would like to purchase the artwork and we need to decide if we would sell them or keep them for future use.”

Fencing has been put up around the containers and the design is structurally engineered to high construction safety standards to ensure the safety of all visitors to the park.