Repair works to begin on the Townsville sign

Date published: 28 May 2018

Townsville City Council contractors will be doing repair works on the Townsville sign at Central Park for a week from today.

The area will be fenced off to allow contractors to repair the soft fall and some sections of the lighting.

There is no cost to Council for any of the repair works as it is covered under warranty.

All of the soft fall material, including existing light fixtures will be removed and replaced during this time.

A Townsville City Council spokesman said the material needed to be removed because the installation occurred during a time of wet weather and moisture caused the soft fall to degrade.

“Unfortunately the weather was rather wet in the lead up to the Commonwealth Games and the Queen’s Baton Relay and that has caused issues during the installation,” the spokesman said.

“The rectification works will be completed as quickly so it can again be lit up for visitors and residents.

“The Townsville sign has been a huge hit with the community and many people go down to Central Park every night to watch the lightshow.”

The project was co-funded by Townsville City Council and the Commonwealth Games Public Domain Improvement Program, with work undertaken by local business Paradise Outdoor Advertising.

The sign is positioned to have some of the city’s most iconic landmarks as a quintessentially ‘Townsville’ backdrop.