Residents encouraged to stay proactive after major rain event

Date published: 10 March 2018

Townsville residents are being encouraged to keep an eye on the Emergency Management Dashboard as there is rainfall predicted in the region over the coming days.

There are current weather and flood warnings for areas around Ingham and further north – but none expected in Townsville over the weekend.

Townsville Mayor and Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group Jenny Hill said the weather is often unpredictable and it is best to be prepared.

“There are no current predictions for severe weather in Townsville over the weekend,” Cr Hill said.

“The Emergency Management Dashboard is a really useful resource residents can use to monitor conditions in Townsville.

“The Dashboard stays up to date with road closures and current weather warnings – it’s the one stop shop for residents to get all the most up to date information they need.”

Council will be monitoring the weather over the coming days and providing updates to the community if necessary.

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