Tree Planting Day on Magnetic Island to protect koalas

Date published: 21 June 2018

Townsville City Council is holding a Tree Planting Day on Magnetic Island this Saturday to provide food and homes for the local koala population.

Mayor Jenny Hill said she was proud to deliver on another promise by doing more Community Tree Planting Days in the Townsville region, starting with Magnetic Island.

“Magnetic Island is a unique location right at our doorstep and we’re doing everything we can to protect our beautiful koalas,” Cr Hill said.

“My team of councilors is committed to ensuring Townsville’s native plant species and wildlife are around for the next generation.”

Community Health and Environment Committee Chair Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said the Tree Planting Day is a great way to involve the community in creating a sustainable future for Magnetic Island’s koalas.

“Magnetic Island is one of the few places in Australia where people can see a koala in the wild, which is why we need to ensure they have a home and food into the future,” Cr Greaney said

“This community tree planting day will help provide more food and homes for the local native wildlife.”

Volunteers will plant 500 eucalypt trees in the bushland on Apjohn Street in Horseshoe Bay.

Cr Greaney said the trees being planted are all native species to Magnetic Island.

“The new trees will help provide food for the koala hospitals on Magnetic Island and eventually homes for koalas once the trees are big enough,” Cr Greaney said.

“It’s a fun day out for the whole family – with a free sausage sizzle – and it will help ensure Magnetic Island has plenty of koalas into the future.

“Volunteers should bring a hat, gloves, sunscreen, enclosed footwear and water on the day.”

There will also be face painting and a native plant for volunteers to take home on the day.

The Tree Planting Day will run from 10am to 12pm, Saturday June 23 at Apjohn Street, Horseshoe Bay (Behind Horseshoe Bay Sports and Recreational Centre).