Budget 2018/19 - Suburban parks to receive boost in 2018-19 Budget

Date published: 26 June 2018

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill has delivered a big boost for suburban parks in Council’s 2018-19 Budget.

Council will spend $41 million maintaining 338 parks – including 3 botanic gardens – throughout the city.

Council will invest $6 million in new parks and upgrading existing facilities across the city.

Mayor Jenny Hill said parks throughout Townsville will be spruced up for local families.

“Whether it’s building brand new parks in our suburbs or upgrading facilities in existing ones, this Budget delivers on providing core community infrastructure for families,” Cr Hill said.

“Our Council crews look after the equivalent of more than 3000 football fields right across our city and we have some of the best parks in Queensland.”

Cr Hill said parks from Woodstock to Annandale to Bushland Beach would all be upgraded with funds from the 2018-19 Budget.

“Whether it’s Wordsworth Park or Peggy Banfield, there is a huge amount of work going on in our local parks,” Cr Hill said.

“We’re also installing new playground equipment in Royal Street Park, Corcoran Park and Roe Street Park just to name a few.

“Our parks are more than just open space, they are places for local families to connect and build a better a community.

“That’s why my Council is so focused on maintain our parks to the highest standard and building the best new facilities right across our suburbs.”

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