Upper Ross residents asked to have their say on Charles Moroney Park upgrade

Date published: 24 July 2018

Residents in the Upper Ross can have their say on Townsville City Council’s plans to upgrade Charles Moroney Park.

Council is upgrading the park to make it even better for local families.

The concept plan for the Charles Moroney Park upgrade includes new playgrounds, barbecue and picnic areas, a fitness course, tennis court, dog agility equipment, upgraded sporting fields, improved lighting and a modular pump track – for bikes and skateboards.

Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Mark Molachino said the park upgrade was part of Council’s record infrastructure spend of $433 million in 2018-19.

“Council just handed down a record infrastructure spend – more than $430 million – so residents across Townsville can look forward to a park upgrade happening near them during the financial year,” Cr Molachino said.

“Park upgrades provide an important community space for local residents and families to connect and these upgrades also provide work for local firms to help create jobs.”

The upgrade is a Works For Queensland project, which is fully funded by the Queensland Government.

Cr Molachino said park maintenance and upgrades were a key focus of Council’s 2018-19 Budget.

“We’re investing more than $40 million maintaining our 338 parks throughout the city and suburbs,” Cr Molachino.

Cr Molachino said the upgrade would ensure local residents have the best facilities for one of the area’s most popular public parks.

“We want to hear exactly what residents want to see as part of the park upgrade,” Cr Molachino said.

“The upgrade should improve facilities for residents of all ages from young children right through to grandparents.

“It’s important that people have their say to make sure we get the facilities right and nothing the community wants gets overlooked.”

Council has started a community engagement process that will continue through this week.

Residents can have their say and provide feedback about the concept plan at the following places below:

  • 3pm to 5.30pm today – Charles Moroney Park in the Clint St Carpark Area
  • 9am to 1pm Saturday, 28 July – Rasmussen Woolworths

For more information, contact Council or visit the Charles Moroney Park Upgrade project page on our website.