Free microchipping for Townsville pets

Date published: 12 July 2018

Townsville City Council is offering pet owners free microchipping again this weekend.

Residents can take their registered pets to Wulguru Dog Park on Saturday – between 8am and 11am – for the free service.

Community Health and Environment Committee Chairperson Cr Ann-Maree Greaney said microchipping your pets helps you to easily reunite with your pet if it is ever lost.

“If your pet is microchipped and your contact details are up to date, we are able to get your pet back to you in the shortest possible time.” Cr Greaney said.

“Having a pet go missing can be devastating, so being able to be tracked down once your pet is found offers some peace of mind.”

Acting Mayor and Local Councilor Les Walker says the financial incentive will encourage pet owners to take advantage of the service.

“Residents can save up to $90 by bringing their pet to our free microchipping day, it can really relieve some of the financial burden involving pet ownership,” Cr Walker said.

Cr Walker said free microchipping is another way of rewarding responsible pet owners.

“Council has also waived fees for collecting your registered pet from the animal shelter for the first time it happens,” Cr Walker said.

No bookings are required for the free service, and the offer is open to registered dogs and approved cats that are at least eight weeks old.

For pets that are not registered, Council is also offering on the spot registrations for a fee. Once registered, pets are then eligible for free microchipping.

For full details see our What's on Townsville website.

** Please note this media release relates to July 2018 **