Townsville’s water pipeline – on track

Date published: 29 August 2018

Another key milestone on Townsville’s water pipeline project has been reached, with work starting on the first access tracks.

The access tracks will allow the installation of the pipeline along the 36.5km route.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said more than 7km of the route had been cleared of vegetation allowing work on the first access track to start.

“We can now excavate the site and build the access tracks to deliver the pipe and to provide ongoing maintenance of the pipe when it’s completed in 2019,” Cr Hill said.

The pipeline project is one of the biggest job creating projects in North Queensland.

Mendi Managing Director Jeff Doyle said that the project has created work for 50 people.

“We’ve got 15 people onsite at the moment and in the next few weeks we will double that workforce,” Mr Doyle said.

“As we progress through to further stages of the project the number of direct and indirect jobs working on it will be about 50 people.”

Council delivered its biggest ever infrastructure spend in the 2018-19 Budget, with $433 million invested in projects to create jobs for locals.

Deputy Mayor Les Walker said it was important to invest in infrastructure projects like the pipeline to provide a long term water security solution for Townsville.

“Council has handed down a record infrastructure spend for the 2018-19 Budget, with $159 million allocated to the pipeline project,” Cr Walker said.

“Infrastructure projects like this are vital to meet the future needs of our residents and businesses.”

The Queensland Government is contributing $225 million over four years to help deliver water security to Townsville. 

Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said delivering long-term water security to Townsville is a key commitment by the Queensland Government.

“Water security for our city is vital so delivering this water pipeline is a key priority for the Palaszczuk Government,” Mr Harper said.

Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said the Queensland Government acknowledged the close working relationship with Townsville City Council had enabled the project to remain on schedule for completion.

“This is two levels of Government working together to achieve the goals and outcomes that our city needs,” Mr Stewart said.

Clearing vegetation to allow the construction of the access track along the council road reserve is expected to be completed this November.