Pipe tender for new water pipeline awarded to Iplex

Date published: 24 April 2018

In a landmark decision for Townsville, Council has awarded the tender to supply the pipe for the new water pipeline to Iplex Pipelines.

This milestone will create more than 50 new direct and indirect jobs in advanced manufacturing for Townsville.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the pipe tender was one of the biggest components of the pipeline project and would ensure new manufacturing jobs flowed into Townsville.

“The water pipeline will guarantee our city’s future water security and provide a boost to our manufacturing industry,” Cr Hill said.

The new pipeline is a key plank of Council’s $225 million three-point water security solution:

  • The new 1.8-metre diameter pipeline
  • A recycled water system for community spaces and industrial use
  • The Community Water Transition Support Package

The 36.5km of 1.8m diameter pipe will provide up to 234 megalitres of water per day into the Ross Dam – allowing more water to be pumped more efficiently than the existing 1.2m diameter pipeline.

Cr Hill said she had delivered on another election commitment by securing $225 million from the Queensland Government for Townsville’s three-point water security solution.

“The new water pipeline is crucial infrastructure needed to ensure Townsville has long-term water security,” Cr Hill said.

“Council is committed to having the new pipeline built by the end of next year.”

The pipe will be made from Glass Reinforced Polymer – a durable product designed to suit North Queensland conditions.

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Chair Cr Paul Jacob said the awarding of the pipe tender was a key milestone for the water pipeline project.

“The creation of new jobs on the pipeline project will start to ramp up from now – and have further flow on benefits when civil works start – as a result of this milestone contract,” Cr Jacob said.

“The pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Townsville in a generation and Council staff have made sure we have got the best product to ensure the pipeline delivers long-term water security for our community.”

Council has committed to building the pipeline within 26 months, which is due to be complete by December 2019.

More information on Iplex Pipelines.