Major upgrade for busy suburban intersection

Date published: 20 April 2018

Townsville City Council will be undertaking major upgrades to the intersection at Dalrymple Road and Greenview Drive in order to improve safety and traffic in the area.

Tenders for the project will open this weekend and includes the installation of traffic lights, concrete medians, and added bicycle lanes.

Local Councillor Russ Cook said the upgrades were needed to improve traffic flow and safety as the area continues to grow.

“The Dalrymple Road and Greenview Drive intersection often has heavy traffic coming through and it can be difficult for motorists to merge or turn into,” Cr Cook said.

“Traffic lights and median strips will help separate the traffic and improve the flow through the intersection during those peak hours when residents are commuting to work.

“The new bike lanes will also help improve safety for cyclists.”

Cr Cook said many local residents had requested the intersection be upgraded.

“I’m proud to deliver this intersection upgrade and I think locals and motorists will be eager to have the works complete,” Cr Cook said.

Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Mark Molachino said Council was committed to improving the city’s road network, particularly in fast growing suburbs.

“This area has boomed in recent years and it’s important that Council delivers essential infrastructure upgrades,” Cr Molachino said.

“Motorists and locals have wanted this upgrade for a number of years and this Council will deliver it.”

The stormwater drainage system will also be upgraded as part of the project.