Mosquito update

Date published: 16 January 2017

A combination of recent rain and high tides has led to an increase of mosquito numbers across the city.

Council last week conducted aerial treatments of the salt flats to the north and south of the city and continue to conduct ground treatments this week across all suburbs.

Community Health and Environment Committee chair Cr Ann-Maree Greaney urged residents to take precautions such as covering up outside, wearing loose-fitting clothing, lighting mozzie coils and using repellent.

“Last week’s treatments proved reasonably successful, however the continuous breeding cycle has kept larval numbers at consistently moderate levels,” Cr Greaney said.

“The presence of mosquitoes is always common at this time of year when the rain sets in and will likely continue with further rain forecast.”

The salt-marsh mosquito can transmit diseases such as Barmah Forrest Virus and Ross River Fever.