Consultation opens on Criterion Hotel application

Date published: 2 September 2016

Residents can have their say from today on an application to have the Criterion Hotel removed from a local heritage register.

Townsville City Council is putting the application on public notice to better understand the community’s views on the hotel’s importance before considering a final decision.

The consultation period will run for 30 business days until October 14 and submissions can be made on-line, at council’s customer service centres and the city’s libraries.

Owners of the hotel, Gleeson Properties Pty Ltd, have made application to remove the property from the council’s register of Places of Cultural Heritage Value within the Townsville City Plan.

Committee chairman Cr Les Walker said that engaging the community would inform the council in making a decision.

“We want to know the views in the community on whether the hotel stays or is removed from the register and the consultation gives residents the opportunity to have their say,” Cr Walker said.

Taking the building off the register can eliminate development constraints over the property which is within the boundary of the proposed King Street Development.

Removing the property from the register will potentially allow the building to be removed, altered or demolished without council approval.

Submissions from the public notification period will be included in a report that will be presented to council.

Residents can obtain submission forms and more information on-line at the council’s website, CityLibraries and customer service centre in Walker Street.

Submissions close on Friday, October 14.