Coffee and cake for a Christmas cause

Date published: 21 October 2016

Shoppers at Stockland Shopping Centre are invited to a morning tea next week to raise money for the Mayor’s Christmas Tree Appeal.

Stockland has partnered with Townsville City Council to host the event on Thursday, October 27 at 11am in the food court to help raise much-needed money for the appeal which will put food on the table for local families in need this festive season.

Residents, tenants and guests are invited to attend by donating a gold coin.

Stockland businesses will also be offering special deals during the event.

The morning tea will be the official announcement of the appeal’s recipient groups, who will receive food hampers and food vouchers for their clients at the conclusion of the appeal in December.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill thanked Stockland management for its contribution.

“We’re grateful to Stockland and to the businesses in the centre for getting behind this important cause and we hope lots of residents will join us for coffee and cake,” Cr Hill said.

“At the morning tea we will announce the recipient groups who do an amazing job helping those in our community who need assistance, not just at Christmas but all year round.

“I also encourage any other businesses who would like to get involved with the appeal to contact council and to participate in our corporate challenge, or to just make a donation.”

Other ways residents and businesses can assist the appeal include:
* Hosting a sausage sizzle and donating the proceeds to the appeal
* Hosting a workplace morning tea or chocolate drive
* Hosting a donation bin for food and gifts
* Fundraising with your child’s school or day care centre
* Volunteering your time to one of the community groups assisting the appeal.

The appeal aims to raise $110,000 this year in cash, food and gifts, to assist local families.

Tickets in the raffle with more than $10,000 worth of prizes are also still available. The tickets are for sale at council’s customer service centres and a number of other locations.

The 2016 recipient groups are:
* Adventist Development Relief Agnecy Australia Ltd
* Althea Projects Inc – Wee Care Residential Services
* Centacare North Queensland
* Coalition on Criminal Assault in the Home Inc (NQ) North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Services
* Coast to Country Housing Company
* Cootharinga North Queensland
* Family Emergency Accommodation Townsville
* Headspace
* Kith and Kin Association Ltd
* Life Community Connect
* Northreach Baptist Church
* Northern Regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corp
* North Queensland Community Services Inc
* Uniting Care Church – Iona House
* Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health Services
* North Queensland Training and Community Centre
* North Townsville Community Hub Inc
* Ozcare Men’s Hostel
* Ozcare Maria House
* Queensland Youth Services Inc
* Sera’s Women’s Shelter
* Sharehouse Youth Accommodation Program Inc
* St Vincent de Paul Society Qld
* The Salvation Army
* Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Corporation for Women/Home and Community Care
* Townsville Drop In Centre Inc
* Townsville Intercultural Centre
* Yumba-Meta Housing Association Ltd (Flora House)

For more information visit council’s website