Council welcomes Black Spot funding

Date published: 14 June 2016

Townsville City Council will work to improve safety for motorists and cyclists at some of the city’s worst black spots, with three locations to be upgraded with funding from the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program.

A report tabled at today’s Infrastructure Services Committee detailed $420,500 in work planned for the roundabouts at Kern Bros Drive/Bel Air Avenue, Bamford Lane/Mill Drive and Fulham Road/Cambridge Street.

Committee chairman Cr Mark Molachino said the Black Spot Program targeted road locations where crashes are occurring, reducing the risk of crashes through funding measures which will target cost effective upgrades.

To be eligible for funding, Council must submit locations that meet specific criteria relating to crash data recorded during the most recent five-year period.

“These locations will be well known by Townsville motorists and the work will go a long way towards delivering safer roads for all road users,” Cr Molachino said.

Design work is almost complete with construction expected to be completed before 30 June 2017.

Bamford Lane/Mill Drive roundabout - $170,000
History of 10 reported crashes over five years including three accidents involving cyclists and ranks as one of the city’s worst traffic black spots on council’s road network. Work at the roundabout will include give way signs and bikeway treatment at the roundabout.

Kern Brothers Drive/Bel Air Avenue roundabout - $152,000
Has a history of five crashes in a five year period. Works will improve the northbound approach to the roundabout (Kern Brothers Drive) with a multiple curve entry treatment and modify the central island, install enhanced advance warning signing, enhanced roundabout give way signs, provide bikeway treatment at the roundabout and removal of a tree (roadside hazard).

Fulham Road/Cambridge Street - $98,500
Four crashes reported at the roundabout in a five year period. The project will address visibility issues for southbound drivers entering the roundabout on Cambridge Street and high vehicle entry speeds to the roundabout by eastbound vehicles on Fulham Road. Works include modifying the western leg of the roundabout (Fulham Road) by installation of traffic islands, advance the give way line on Cambridge Street, install enhanced roundabout give way signs.