Budget - Council targets waste services in city budget

Date published: 6 July 2016

Construction of a state of the art transfer station at the city’s largest landfill is a highlight of the waste management in the 2016/17 City Budget.

Council has allocated $3 million to build the transfer station at the Stuart landfill to provide residents with a convenient area to dispose of waste without having to go to the tip face.

The project is the first step in a major upgrade of facilities at the landfill which include the construction of a resource recovery facility and recycle shop in future stages.

Council’s Water and Waste Committee chairman Cr Paul Jacob said the new facilities at the Stuart landfill was part of the city’s long term strategy for waste management.

“Diverting material away from the landfills through increased recycling and reuse will deliver better financial and environmental outcomes for the community,” Cr Jacob said.

“The construction of the transfer station is the first step in establishing new facilities that will make a trip to the landfill easier for residents, improve the recovery of recyclable items, and reduce the amount of material going into the landfill.”

Future plans include a drive through covered drop off/reclaim area, storage compound and a recycle workshop for cleaning, repair and refurbishment of goods.

Recycling and managing the disposal of waste remains a budget priority with $10.4 million for the city’s waste services including 74,500 domestic waste collections, and 37,000 residential recycling services each week.

A total of $11.9 million has been allocated for the operation of the council’s three landfills and five transfer stations, including the transportation of waste from Magnetic Island to the mainland.

The budget also includes eight dump vouchers per household and a free three-day pre-cyclone dumping weekend.

Council will also spend $575,000 for an interim cap and detail design of the rehabilitation plan for the Picnic Bay landfill which is now closed to taking waste.

Waste Highlights

  • $3 million for construction of new transfer station at Stuart landfill;
  • $10.4 million for kerbside waste and recycling collections
  • $11.9 million for operation of the city’s three landfills and five transfer stations
  • $575,000 for Picnic Bay Landfill (interim cap and detailed design of rehabilitation plan)

View the 2016/2017 Operational Plan and Budget