Budget - Budget drives good deal for road spending

Date published: 6 July 2016

Major upgrades at two key intersections are highlights in Townsville roads and drainage funding in the 2016/17 City Budget.

Townsville City Council will inject $31M into reconstruction, reseals and overlays of 105 streets and other priority projects to support the city’s growth.

A further $10 million will be invested in strengthening the city’s drainage network.

Key roads projects include a $4M upgrade to the William Angliss Drive and Merv Crossman Drive roundabout at Annandale, and $4M revamp of the Ingham Road / Everett Street / Weston Street intersection in the Bohle industrial area.

Infrastructure Committee chairman Cr Mark Molachino said the works would tackle projects on a priority basis in locations across the city.

“This year’s budget will ensure that the council is continuing to invest in protecting our existing roads and drainage networks, as well as building new infrastructure for the future,” Cr Molachino said.

Roads highlights:

  • $11.4M to reconstruct sections of 21 streets and roads including Alfred Street, Cypress Drive, Oonoonba Road, Harley Street, Lonerganne Street, Miles Avenue, Morey Street.
  • $8.5M for reseals and overlays on 80 streets including Rivergum Court, Carmel Street, Peel Street, Sturges Street, Tottenham Court, Love Lane, Alexandra Street and Santal Drive.
  • $4M upgrade to the William Angliss Drive and Merv Crossman Drive intersection
  • $4M upgrade to the Ingham Road / Everett Street / Weston Street intersections (incl $3.6M in Roads to Recovery funding)

Drainage highlights:

  • $3.2M of realignment underground stormwater drains on Lamington Street, Greer Street and Ingham Road to improve drainage; with another
  • $1.3M for the Sturges Street drainage reconstruction
  • $5M to replace kerb and channel in 33 streets
  • $65,000 on replacing drainage pit grates/grids with SIP (Side Inlet Pit)

View the 2016/2017 Operational Plan and Budget