Townsville urges pollies to fight planned weather office cuts

Date published: 5 February 2016

Townsville Mayor Cr Jenny Hill has called on local Federal politicians to fight plans by the Bureau of Meteorology to reduce the city’s weather office to an unmanned, automated operation.

Cr Hill described the plan as madness and ill-considered.

“It is absurd to remove all staff from the most populous city in Northern Australia in the heart of Cyclone country,” Cr Hill said.

“We need our Federal reps to fight this every step of the way.

“It’s bad enough that we lose more jobs, but this decision will also impact on the city’s disaster preparations in which the bureau’s on-the-spot advice is essential.

“They attend vital Local Disaster Management Group meetings and provide up to the minute weather briefings which are crucial when time means everything.

“We have long serving staff in the Townsville office who are members of our community and have a strong understanding of the city and our environs. That knowledge is invaluable in disaster situations.

“As well as taking away the local presence and expertise, the plan also has a human cost for the staff who must now consider relocating their families or leaving the service.

“I ask residents to contact their Federal politicians and express their opposition to any move to down grade the Townsville office.”