New trailer to keep residents hydrated at city’s events

Date published: 26 October 2015

Townsville residents will benefit from free drinking water at Townsville City Council events thanks to a custom-built Hydration Station.

The trailer will be used at events such as the upcoming Cyclone Sunday event at Strand Park this Sunday, November 1.

Townsville Waste and Water Committee chair Cr Ray Gartrell said as well as keeping the community hydrated at community events, it hoped to convey a water conservation message.

"Our Townsville weather means most of our events happen when it’s hot, so it’s important for people to remain hydrated," Cr Gartrell said.

"Thanks to this new trailer, council will be able to assist with this, as well as get the message of water conservation out to the public through messages displayed on the outside of the trailer.

"The Hydration Station, similar to the sunscreen station, is testament to council’s commitment to value add to our events by providing equipment that assists residents adapt to our hot North Queensland climate."

The trailer hooks into the existing water supply at an event via a hose. The water then runs through a cooling system in the base of the trailer and is distributed to eight water taps, four on each side.

"People will be able to fill up their own water bottles, therefore saving potentially thousands of plastic disposable water bottles from ending up in landfill," Cr Gartrell said.

This initiative is a partnership between Townsville Water and TRILITY.

TRILITY managing director Francois Gouws said TRILITY was very proud to partner with Townsville City Council in initiatives where the greater community benefitted.

"The Hydration Station certainly fits the bill as one of these projects," he said.