Grocery grab a race to meet the demand this Christmas

Date published: 26 November 2015

The Mayor’s Christmas Tree Appeal received a welcome boost today thanks to a race down the aisles of Woolworths in the CBD.

The grocery grab with Councillor Les Walker and Food Relief NQ manager Toby Kelly was a fun way to tackle the serious issues faced by many during the Christmas period.

"We associate Christmas with delicious food and family feasts, but for some people making ends meet at this time of year is more difficult, and the appeal helps to bring some cheer through food staples as well as some delicious festive treats," Councillor Les Walker said.

"We’ve had terrific support from the community and local businesses so far, and to have a major retailer like Woolworths get behind the appeal will make such a big difference to families in need.

"We encourage residents to grab a non-perishable food item or two when they do their weekly grocery shop, and place it in the red Mayor’s Christmas Tree Appeal bins.

"These items will then be packaged at Food Relief NQ for distribution to community groups who will make sure they are taken to those who need it the most."

Woolworths Sturt Street store manager Daniel Miles said he was pleased his store was able to assist through this contribution and be a part of this worthy cause.

The appeal, which wraps up on December 10, aims to raise $110,000 this year in cash, food and gifts, to assist local families.

Tickets in the major prize draw of $10,000 cash are also still available. The $20 tickets are for sale at council’s customer service centres. Only 2200 tickets will be sold.