Corporate Information

Our Vision

A globally connected community driven by lifestyle and nature.

Our Mission

Add 6,400 new jobs by 2026.

Townsville 2021-2026 – Corporate Plan

The Townsville City Council Plan Townsville 2021 - 2026, is Council’s strategic document which sets the direction for what Council focuses on as we work to grow Townsville. It ensures Council provides intentional leadership on the way the city grows into the future. The Plan outlines the areas of focus, priorities and specific initiatives Council has committed to implementing, driving and advocating.

The Townsville 2021-2026 was adopted by Council on 26 May 2021.

2024/2025 Budget and Operational Plan

The Townsville City Council 2024/25 Budget and Operational Plan was adopted at the Special Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 June 2024.